Produced Internally, Shipped Globally
Behind the design
Doodle Development was given the exclusive opportunity to design and produce a kit that the Nike EKIN can utilise to highlight the innovation behind AIR, along with the performance benefits. EKIN teams should be able to demonstrate, in an engaging way, the performance benefits of key technologies within Nike products. The idea behind the kit is that seeing is believing, therefore AIR which is usually hidden within the Nike shoes, is demonstrated visually.
The tool kit aims to bring the Air's properties to life through 1-1 demonstrations. The target audience is in-store athletes and members of Nike staff, who will have multiple styles and brands to learn about, so we wanted to ensure the toolkit allows a memorable, fun and long-lasting memory of what Nike Air is and how it can benefit the consumer. With this objective needing to be taken from space to space by the EKIN we wanted to ensure it's durable, portable and scalable for the future.
Doodle Development actively sourced, produced and shipped 150 kits across the USA, Europe, Australia and China, handling everything from sourcing to the design of artwork and boards that accurately depict the AIR units within the shoes.150 tool kits, in which we also designed artwork that was to be placed within the lid. From doodles, to development, to execution and operations, all 150 kits were produced at Doodle Development.
The kits are now in the hands of the EKINS. They are the ones responsible for showing exactly what the kit can do, and inspiring Nike staff and athletes all over the world with the innovation that is hidden within. From London to Italy and France, then across to the USA, the EKINS have been busy showcasing the kit and sending us all this amazing imagery.
This particular image holds an extra special significance, as one of the EKINS was fortunate enough to have theirs signed by none other than Tinker Hatfield himself. Knowing that something we created and it was signed by such an iconic figure in Nike is truly an incredible feeling.